
Oro Valley



You may be missing just one tooth or two or more teeth next to each other. If this is the case for you, our dentists may recommend a dental bridge to restore your smile. A bridge is a great way to improve your appearance as well as your dental health and function.

Bridges are a fixed dental restoration, meaning that they are non-removable. A dental bridge consists of one or more prosthetic teeth, which are anchored into place using crowns or implants on either side of the gap. These crowns are custom-made to fit your smile perfectly to give you a beautiful final result and help ensure that the artificial tooth or teeth in your bridge do not come loose or shift out of place.

Dr. Brett Barney and Dr. Jonathan Hall may recommend a dental bridge to:

  • Restore your ability to speak, eat and chew normally
  • Alleviate excess stress on your bite
  • Restore and enhance your smile
  • Improve the shape and volume of your face
  • Replace a removable partial denture
  • Prevent your remaining teeth from shifting out of their positions


When you receive a dental bridge, our dentists will begin by taking impressions and preparing your teeth for crowns. After your bridge has been made, we will check to ensure it fits before permanently fixing it in your mouth. Traditionally, this process has required two appointments to complete. By using our CEREC technology, our dentists can eliminate the need for multiple appointments and complete your treatment in a single visit to Desert Dental Group. Our dentists will examine your mouth during your initial consultation to determine if this is a good option for you.

To schedule your consultation and find out if dental bridges in Tucson, Arizona, are right for you, contact our office today at 520-663-0419.